Keep Going...

Giving Thanks To Those Who Have Impacted Your Life

Judy Burfict Episode 45

Today, the word INFLUENCER has become such a common word.  Everyone, or at least many individuals, are desiring to be an influencer.  They are seeking to impact their audience in various ways and for various reasons.  Often, the influence is temporary and for many, it is on to the next best thing.

And then there are those individuals who have a more permanent influence or impact on our lives. Those who left a print that you will always remember.  It could be someone who is no longer here.  Someone that you have not seen or even spoken with in many years.  Someone that you actually never spoke to, yet something you heard them say changed the trajectory of your life.

People impact our lives in so many ways.  I want to encourage you in this message to think of someone, that person that left an imprint in or on your life that you are thankful for. Who is this person or persons? Remember them, give thanks and allow it to help you Keep Going!