Keep Going...

Start The New Year Speaking Good

Judy Burfict Season 2 Episode 51

This is a new year! Another opportunity to get off on a “good foot,” as the saying goes.  Our last podcast message was titled, “Start the New Year Thinking Good.”  The message today will help us to, “Start the New Year Speaking Good.”  

How do you speak to yourself?  Is it negative or is it positive? Are your words making you better?  What kind of conversations are you having with yourself?

How do you speak to others? Is it with kindness? With love? Are you communicating encouragement?

And lastly, but most important, how do you speak to God?   Are you speaking with complaints or thanksgiving? Are you speaking about what is lacking or are you praising for His goodness?
This podcast will provide encouragement to start this year speaking good to yourself, to others and most importantly, to God.  And it will help you Keep Going through this New Year of 2024!