Keep Going...

Start The New Year Believing Good

Judy Burfict Season 2 Episode 52

This week's podcast will encourage you to start the New Year Believing Good!

We are living in a time where there is much focus on believing in oneself.  We hear it in our professions, motivational speakers, in social media and just society in general placing much emphasis on if you want to achieve, you must first believe that you can.  And yes, it is important that we we believe in ourselves.  It is important if we are to grow, achieve and succeed in this life.  Believing in ourselves strengthens us to overcome challenges and obstacles.  It helps to set goals and meet and exceed those goals. Believing in ourselves helps to overcome our fears, our negative thoughts and talk that we harbor in our minds.

However, it is so important to remember that it is God who gives us the grace to grow, achieve and believe.  He gives us the skillset to achieve, to overcome adversities, to accomplish the impossible.  Yes, it is God who gives us the ability to Believe Good because through His Son, Jesus, He has given us His word to live by and it is…” in Him that we live and move and have our being,” as it says in Acts 17:28. We have fellowship and relationship with Him.  He is our Source and all of who we are and become, are based on our belief in Him and because of that, we can Believe Good and be able to Keep Going.