Keep Going...

FORGIVENESS: An Expression of God's Love

Judy Burfict Season 2 Episode 55

This month’s focus has been on A World in Need Of Love. I think we all agree that life is so much better when we live with an attitude of love. Sometimes, unfortunately, many individuals have not learned how to love or even receive love from others, thereby missing out on the greatest emotion we can ever have and that is to love and be loved. 

Many individuals expressed their love this month to others in various ways.  In this episode we will share one of the ways God expresses His love toward us and that is through forgiveness.  Though God forgives us, for many it is difficult to do the same for others, causing them to live a life of bitterness, anger and resentment.  Learn what forgiveness is and what it is not in today's episode.  Free yourself from the bondage of unforgiveness so that you can let go of the past, be present in today and look forward to tomorrow.  Find freedom in love and forgiveness so that you can, Keep Going!