Keep Going...

Living An Impactful Life

Judy Burfict Season 2 Episode 59

We live in a society today where it seems we are so busy that we only have time to take care of our individual needs.  But have you taken the time to see how your life can have even more meaning when you take time to think about how your life is impacting others?

There are so many things going on in our world today.  We sometimes can feel overwhelmed and think that it really does not matter what we do, or whether it will serve any purpose or make a difference.  And so, we resign to just thinking about ourselves or just those within our inner circle, spouses, children, friends, etc.  And yes, they all matter and are an important part of our existence. However, have you ever thought that God is calling you to make even a greater impact in this world we live in?

We have all been given gifts and talents by God to use to positively enhance and improve lives for others.  When you live live an impactful life, you then, can Keep Going and help someone else to Keep Going!