Keep Going...

Living Life With Intention

Judy Burfict Season 2 Episode 60

Are you living your life with intention or are you just drifting through life?  

Often we don’t live with intention due to a lack of clarity of what we desire in life, and what God desires of us.  And because of this lack of clarity, it is easy to just begin to drift.   We then sink into a routine of just living a mediocre life, waking up everyday with the same routine, same habits, never seeking to change  to live the abundant life that Jesus promises us.

Living with intention involves making deliberate choices and taking purposeful actions that align with your values, goals, and desires.  It is an ongoing practice that requires self-awareness, commitment, and perseverance.  It involves being mindful of how you spend your time, energy, and resources, and prioritizing what truly matters to you.

You don't have to just drift through life.  Listen for eight ways you can begin to Live Life With Intention and see how you can, Keep Going!