Keep Going...

Five Ways To Take A Break

Judy Burfict Season 2 Episode 65

Hustle and bustle!  That seems to be the nature of our daily lives.  But what if we started taking a moment to just "Take a Break" from the hustle and bustle and just give our bodies, minds, and souls an opportunity to rest and reset?

I think that sometimes in our active schedules, it would add so much to our lives if we would take time to just rest and reset.  When we are in momentum mode, we sometimes do not realize that our bodies and our minds need to rest.  You can’t drive a car forever without it running out of gas at some point during the journey.  And likewise our bodies and minds were not designed to run on empty, so sometimes we need to take a break so that we can refuel.

Taking a break could possibly be one of the best gifts you could give to yourself. And when you do, you just might be able to, Keep Going."